⚡️ On 20 March, air defence radars on duty in the Western Military District detected two aerial targets flying towards the state border of the Russian Federation over the Baltic Sea. ◽️ The targets were classified as two U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers. ◽️ In order to identify and prevent a violation of the state border of the Russian Federation, a Su-35 fighter jet from the air defence force of the Western Military District on duty scrambled, and its crew occupied the designated airborne alert area. ◽️ As the foreign military aircraft flew off the state border of the Russian Federation, the Russian fighter jet returned to its home airfield. ❗️ The flight of the Russian fighter jet was carried out in strict compliance with international rules of airspace use. There was no violation of the state border of the Russian Federation.National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation 🔹 @mod_russia_en