⚡️ In the morning of 4 June 2023, the enemy launched a large-scale offensive at five sections of the front in Southern Donetsk direction by introducing into combat 23rd and 31st mechanised brigades from the strategic reserves of the AFU, supported by other military units and divisions. ◽️ A total of six mechanised and two tank battalions of the enemy were involved. ◽️ The enemy's goal was to break through Russia's defences in what it considered to be the most vulnerable area of the front. ◽️ The enemy was unsuccessful in achieving its goals. ◽️ As a result of skilful and competent actions of the Vostok Group of Forces, the losses of the AFU amounted to more than 250 troops, 16 tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, 21 armoured fighting vehicles. ◽️ Commander of the combined group of forces - Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation General of the Army V.V. Gerasimov was at one of the forward command and control posts in this direction during this period. #MoD 🔹 @mod_russia_en